Basin Planning

Surface Water Master Plans

Altaterra builds a team of professionals for each basin planning project based on the skills required to answer questions, provide background, or meet desired outcomes. In addition to Altaterra's geologic and geomorphic expertise and surface water management skills, other team members may include natural resource professionals, hydrologic and hydraulic modelers, stormwater infrastructure designers, and pipe condition assessment practitioners. 

Surface and stormwater master plans are like road maps that stormwater managers and planners use to guide their work programs to deal with the multi-faceted issues associated with stormwater runoff. Erin Nelson has collaborated with City staff in many jurisdictions to develop plans that work for them and map out capital and programmatic projects, policy changes, operations and maintenance needs, natural resources protections, educational opportunities, and regulatory compliance that align with City and community goals. Links to selected completed plans are below:

2014 City of Kirkland Surface Water Master Plan Update

2016 City of Sammamish Storm and Surface Water Management Comprehensive Plan

2015 City of Kenmore Surface and Water Master Plan

​​Erin Nelson was the lead on multiple basin plans completed for the City of Shoreline, City of Sammamish, Clean Water Surfaces (Oregon), and Port of Illahee (Bremerton). Links to selected completed basin plans are here:

Boeing Creek Basin Plan

Storm Creek Basin Plan

McAleer Creek Basin Plan

Lyon Creek Basin Plan

Puget Sound Drainages Basin Plan

Thompson (Ebright Creek) Subbasin Plan

Inglewood (George Davis Creek) Subbasin Plan- Part 1

Inglewood (George Davis Creek) Subbasin Plan- Part 2